It starts with a question

Sometime in 2019, we found ourselves in a dilemma.
With a fast-succeeding business steadily raking in cash, homes and personal belongings spread among three countries on three continents, and a residency and tax status in an unfamiliar nation, we were in damage control mode.
Despite being two life-long entrepreneurs, we found ourselves in a situation neither of us had tackled to this extent before.
Although we’d both been independently successful before, for both of us, it had always been in our birth country of Australia. A familiar country, with a familiar system, and familiar taxation.
However, things were now very, very different.
More than anything, we wanted to secure our newfound wealth, bank it in the most appropriate places on the planet, structure the business globally to benefit us, legally reduce our obligated tax, and grow our money via intelligent investments.
Unfortunately though, a lot of the information we were seeking wasn’t easily accessible.
So, we started a two-year grind to find answers.
After spending countless hours educating ourselves, paying $500-per-hour tax lawyers and accountants, and seeking the advice of those who had done this before, we had a breakthrough.
But not the breakthrough we were expecting.
Not a breakthrough where our finances became safe, secure, and minimally taxed.
Our breakthrough was about how simple most of this stuff was. But also, about how little most people seemed to know about it.
We were dumbfounded.
“How do so few people seem to know about this?”
We’ve always been great at making money.
Collectively, we’ve kicked some big goals in that area.
For Sorelle, her life-long goal of becoming a self-made millionaire was achieved at age 30. And for Leon, collectively generating a quarter-billion dollars in online sales for his clients made him one of the world-leaders in his field.
But when it came to protecting that money, we had no idea how little we actually knew.
Until we went on a long trip down the rabbit hole…
Here’s what we discovered.
We always thought that when it came to being a globe-trotting citizen of the world, with free income, offshore companies and banking, multiple residencies, and a handful of passports, that was for the world’s richest 0.1%.
How wrong we were.
If you’re an independent entrepreneur, freelancer, or creative of any kind, you can set up an offshore company and bank account in a place like Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, or Belize for as little as $200.
Your business — regardless of how small or large — can secure you additional residencies and the freedom to live and work in literally dozens of nations around the world, on almost every continent. Regardless of how strong your existing passport is.
Second, third, or even fourth citizenships and passports, while more difficult to attain than residencies, can be bought on the open market for as little as $100K USD, or by investing small amounts in property abroad.
Some of the most secure long-term investments on the planet, like registered vaulted precious metals can be attained with a starting investment as small as $25.
And there are literally thousands upon thousands of small, medium, and large entrepreneurs legally lowering their global tax to single digit numbers, by moving where they earn, bank, invest, and do business around the world.
The world should be your oyster. Not just the country you were born in.
And this is where the main question at hand comes in:
“How Free Do You Feel?”
Do you believe that your travel options, and ability to do business are only as good as your country of residence or citizenship affords?
Have you been sold the lie that you need to earn, and pay tax within the systems of the country you were born in?
Or does your programming conform to the idea that your earning ceiling is limited by a 9-5 job, or your existing skillset?
These are not the beliefs of a free person.
And neither is constraining yourself to the physical, social, or economic bounds of your home country’s borders.
Abundantia’s aim is to shift the reality of as many people around the world as we possibly can.
Starting with a YouTube channel, and series of weekly free email content, we’re going to assist you in creating or growing your business, boost your income, manage your finances, and protect them through smart global structures. And if you so choose, acquiring multiple residencies and citizenships to help afford yourself increased freedom of movement.
Very soon, we’ll also be launching a paid membership area, courses, a podcast, and much more, to help you attain a higher level of freedom, and attain the status of becoming a global citizen.
It’s all about freedom. It’s what we’ve been striving for.
And it’s what we want for you.
We hope you join us.
Sorelle Amore & Leon Hill
Founders, Abundantia.
Sorelle Amore
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.
Leon Hill
Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Morbi leo risus, porta ac consectetur ac, vestibulum at eros. Integer posuere erat a ante venenatis dapibus posuere velit aliquet. Aenean lacinia bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit.